Flights are booked! I wanted to secure our flights while there were still convenient flight times and seating on the plane for Belle and I. The prices weren't nearly as astronomical as I feared they would be - but they're booked, and were fully paid for by YOU! The funding and donations to Annabelle are what will be helping us fly and stay in a hotel while we're getting answers and treatment. Thank you, tremendously for all you've done - without you - we may not be able to fight for all the answers Belle deserves. With your donations - we can travel safely and stay near the best hospital in the country for our little girl. Thank you so so much!
On the other side of things, we're getting excited, eager and nervous all at the same time. We have been waiting for this moment for years - the appointment in which may be the answer for all our prayers: "A diagnosis for Annabelle". I do not wish for a label for my daughter, Dear Heavens, a label is so dangerous - it opens up a box of heartache and hurdles to jump for the rest of our lives. But there is hope and promise within a printed label. With a diagnosis, we will learn what has happened to her little body all along, we will learn how to care for Annabelle and what makes her sick vs what makes her thrive. We can rationalize and repair any damages that may have been done to her little system and we can proactively plan for her future. We can make so many decisions, and hopefully relieve some of her burdens (goodbye feeding tube? hahaha - a momma can dream, can't she?!) In the next few weeks, our family may finally get the opportunity to understand this incredible little girl, and being on the cusp of that moment - is just more anticipation than I ever knew possible.
This weekend is such a great distraction from thinking too much on the upcoming trip. We cannot wait to see so many friends and family that have supported Annabelle, whether it be just for a few weeks or for years since before she was born. This amazing little girl has been in prayers for quite some time, and I am just honored to be able to finally put faces with names, embrace those that mean the world to us in the tightest hugs you can imagine. I cannot wait for you all to see Annabelle and watch her strength, personality, energy and genuine love for life just bursting around you. She brings light and hope to every room she walks into - and we are looking forward to sharing that with you!
Again, if you need directions or more information on this weekends Benefit for BabyBelle, please let me know. Everyone is invited and we welcome you to join in the fun :) xo
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