Monday, October 20, 2014

Big things all around us

Fingers crossed that the peak of the storm is over and we can smoothly sail into next week. There are still bumps in the road, it's as if every day Annabelle is presenting another odd quirk that constantly controls our focus. Whether it be her fluctuating temperature, erratic behavior, little appetite or massive appetite, incredible amounts of fluids but not urinating for 12 hours, dramatic fast changes in skin tone or simply crying that her legs hurt to walk. Something is brewing and going on, without a doubt - I want so badly to act and proactively get my daughter help before this storm spirals out of control, but I know the best thing for Annabelle is to hold our breath until we get to the hospital next week. It's only a week away and I have every finger crossed we can make it!

She's done a few big things lately :)

Annabelle was in the newspaper! A member of the band during the benefit a few weeks ago, fell in love with Belle. He had the biggest heart and reached out to her multiple times during the evening and I could tell she really touched him with her story. I was asked a couple days following the benefit it I minded that he feature her in the paper he's associated with. I didn't mind at all, and I knew Annabelle would be tickled to death to see herself. I didn't have a clue what he would say so my curiosity ate at me until the day I finally saw that precious face - ON THE FRONT PAGE of the Country Courier. Check it out:

 She's a super star! She's famous! ;) We're having a ball in our house with the whole idea and I couldn't be more grateful for the opportunity for Annabelle. All we could ever ask anyone, friend, family or perfect stranger, all we need are prayers. The more prayers to be heard, the best chance we have to helping Annabelle. An opportunity such as this delivers more for our family than I could ever wish. It's an opportunity for others to see her precious smile and impacted by her amazing story made in only her few short years thus far. If this article in the paper was only able to touch one or two more people, it's guaranteed worth the difference it makes in Annabelle's life. An answered prayer is on the horizon - I know it is!
Thank you so very much Danny, our family is forever grateful and blessed by the heartfelt words you shared about Annabelle and our family.

First Dentist Appointment
Annabelle doesn't trust anyone that dresses in scrubs. The moment she see's a piece of medical equipment, she looses her mind and understandably so. I've taken Annabelle to every one of Madelynne's dentist appointments so she can begin making the association with the dentist office being a nice, friendly, painfree place. She's ok with that as long as sissy is the one in the chair. She did great holding her sissy's hand - but the moment it was Annabelle's turn, it didn't go so well. She does NOT want anyone touching or messing with her anymore. This medical nightmare is so much different from when she was a baby and didn't understand or remember that doctors / nurses would hurt her. At the ripe age of 3, she doesn't forget anything and because of her poor history - she doesn't trust anyone either. ESPECIALLY not a person wearing a smile in scrubs and rubber gloves. No way!

We weren't able to 'clean' her teeth, but they did get a chance to take a little look around and 'count' her teeth. I asked specifically to not make this trip traumatic, because after all it really wasn't 'necessary' to have to be there. Yes, she should be having dentist appointments at 3yo but we don't have any major concerns with her teeth so let's not add the dentist to the ongoing long list of places we hate to visit.

My only concern with Annabelle's teeth were around her oral hygiene and how Annabelle's limited diet could adversely impact her gums and teeth. Mostly - the fact that Annabelle is given liquid prednisone, mixed with 6 packets of sugar to thicken the mixture and squirting that directly into her mouth = Im beyond freaked out over cavities and this cocktail rotting her mouth. Fortunately, everything looked great and the dentist was able to share a few tips to maintaining healthy gums and hygeine throughout this process, including if/when we loose food completely and Annabelle isn't able to eat. What would we do then? Chewing / saliva etc are in fact very important parts of digestion. Your stomach needs the saliva produced from your mouth in order to maintain a healthy balance within your body. "Chew toys" are handy if/when children cannot eat because it continues to promote saliva production to maintain that balance in the stomach etc. (All conversations I never thought I would be having with a dentist!)

Pumpkin Patch
The family enjoyed a much needed day outside at the pumpkin patch over the weekend. Annabelle had a great time and played well, even during spells of lethargy and fatigue. (I can't tell you how many times I kicked myself for not bringing a stroller!) We went down the slides together and screamed in the dark tunnels, she rode pedal cars and even had her first pony ride! The pumpkin patch full of a billion pumpkins weren't anything Annabelle was looking for, she decided she only wanted a tiny little pumpkin near the check-out line so we got back on the hay ride with the rest of the families pumpkins and an empty handed Annabelle to find hers.

 Look at those curls!!!! Her hair is growing a little lately :)
 Feeding the 'am-in-als' with daddy.

 Mommy and Belle before going down the big, dark slide!
 Mommy, Aunty-Andi and Belle on the hay ride to the pumpkin patch :)

The day was wonderful and the kids had such an incredible time. Im glad we were able to enjoy the pumpkin patch, last year it was a bit different.. last year she could barely walk with a forced smile.

We're beginning to pack our things to prepare for the trip. Annabelle woke this morning, early, crying that she doesn't feel well and her throat hurts. The weather has suddenly changed and I would agree a lot of people probably aren't feel too great right now either. Hopefully it's short lived and the week passes quickly.

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