Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Biopsy Results Day

Today is the day we should expect to receive the results from last weeks biopsy's. To say I am a nervous wreck, is an understatement. We've had time to process the truth that Annabelle has relapsed. The news, while not surprising, did rearrange mine and AKs thoughts on how well we had believed our little girl was doing. I've begun to fine comb over all the foods she's eaten and been exposed to. The allergens in the air may have also initiated the relapse, or just stress in general. The worst part of this horrid disease is that the causes for why EoE goes into attack mode is so variable and without any tests. Most anything can initiate an EoE response, and while this particular disease isn't terminal, it's absolutely life-threatening if it's unable to be controlled. The control freak inside me has a really hard time accepting the fact that I CANNOT control every aspect of EoE. I can control, however, some things. The foods she eats and the amount of allergens in the air she's exposed to. That requires stripping my innocent toddler of the bits of happiness we've slowly been able to add into her life. She is enjoying meals around the table and holding hands to say grace again. She just got a new bike and loves to ride! Just last night both girls squeeled, yelled, laughed, giggled and played their hearts out in mud puddles.. I cannot imagine having to take these things away from her again.

Today our prayers are stronger than they've been in a very long time. I am praying and crossing all my fingers and toes for only good news from our GI when she calls with the results. I also pray for the ability to quickly schedule with our follow-up allergist so we can begin making decisions and find ourselves on a path to making Annabelle comfortable again soon.

Plans for the day:

and repeat. Until we hear otherwise.

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