Friday, June 28, 2013

Heading to the Neurologist TODAY!

New change of plans.

Pediatricians office called MCV Neurology late yesterday to discuss changing the Tuesday appointment, she asked to speak directly with a doctor and was able to get Dr. Seinfeld on the phone to briefly discuss Annabelle's situation. Dr. Seinfeld gasped and asked when she was currently being seen. When she learned we wouldn't be coming in until next week she said "That's too long - bring her in tomorrow!"

I'm not really sure where this leads us nor do I have any clue what this means for our MRI status. I am extremely hopeful that when we meet Dr. Seinfeld today that she will admit or at least expedite this MRI.

I did speak with my resource at MCV Radiology re: pushing up the MRI. The soonest we can get Belle in isn't until August as an outpatient. She found a slot next Friday. See, the isses are: Outpatient slots are far fewer than inpatient slots. On top of that, Annabelle needs to be sedated to have the MRI, so finding a slot for an MRI with sedation is even longer of a wait because that availablility is even smaller. I guess, all things considered, next Friday is actually probably a really fast date. However, we still have our MRI scheduled for next Tuesday at St. Mary's, and if we can't get one sooner than that - we will be at St. Mary's Tuesday. All that confusion to say - I hope Dr. Seinfeld can pull strings to move all this up faster. If not, Tuesday isn't that far away.. and to be honest, it gives me more time to breathe before learning if/what is on my daughter's brain. Just the thought has me physically ill, so I am finding the silver lining in waiting until Tuesday. However, for Annabelle's sake, we do need to know ASAP what is going on. I am leaving it all up to the doctors and big man upstairs to guide the next steps.

I don't know what I am hoping for. Part of me wants to know that these issues are a growth on her brain, that it's completely benign and can be removed. Once it's removed, all this can be behind us and we move on about life without having to live these nightmares ever again.

The other half of me wants to see absolutely nothing what so ever, in my daugther's noggin'. It terrifies me beyond belief. But if nothing is there - that leaves us with more questions unanswered. I want all this over as soon as possible. I want to be able to give my little girl relief immediately and not spend the next several weeks scratching our heads to figure out how to help her. This isn't fair. No child, or anyone for that matter, should have to go thru sturggles like this. Both my little girls deserve a break. My heart truly needs a break from pounding out of my chest 99.9% of the day.

Annabelle had a wonderful day yesterday and seemed to be doing well this morning. Last night she was alright until we got closer to bedtime and her temperature took a jump to 100 pretty quickly. The sudden change slowed her pace down pretty quickly. I gave her a bath and when she got out, she fell multiple times while trying to walk so we decided to take it easy. She ate well last night and ate this morning a little bit. She is due for another temperature spike or drop and I am nervous it will happen before we can get to the hospital today. I hope she can wait until we're at least there so they can see what happens.. and I won't be left alone with a critical child and clueless as to what to do. We will see.

So today will be eventful, and I have no idea what to expect. Stay tuned. I will try to update as much as I can as the day goes on.

1 comment:

  1. Keeping ur little girl in my prayer daily till she is recovered.
